Once people get an idea of how much a ‘carbon tax’ will cost, they oppose it
“The bottom line with any carbon tax,” wrote Roy Cordato, “is that it will enhance the wealth of big energy companies, decrease economic growth, and negatively impact the wellbeing of all energy...
View ArticleThe biggest issue in electricity policy is the one thing they don’t talk about
Listen to politicians, lobbyists, talking heads, editorialists, and activists discuss ways to reform electricity policy in North Carolina. What don’t you hear? What you don’t hear is a clue akin to...
View ArticleHow electricity generation has changed in NC this century
I’m updating a chart from my 2017 Spotlight report on The Market Forces Behind North Carolina’s Falling Emissions with the most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Click the...
View ArticleHigher energy prices costs lives, and lower energy prices saves lives
A recent National Bureau of Economic Research working paper shows that higher heating bills costs lives. As stated in the abstract, economists Janjala Chirakijja, Seema Jayachandran, and Pinchuan Ong...
View ArticleNew research: getting rid of nuclear power costs lives
Let’s consider the vital role of nuclear power in providing clean, efficient, and least-cost electricity in North Carolina. In doing so, let’s consider what would happen without it. 1. Existing nuclear...
View ArticleFederal law forces consumers to pay billions more than they need for solar...
A major new report examining the additional costs to consumers of electricity rates for solar and wind facilities yielded staggering numbers. The report, produced for the Edison Electric Institute by...
View ArticlePURPA rules change could help electricity consumers
My research brief this week looks at a proposed rule change from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regarding the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Now that I’ve...
View ArticleHow to make consumers overpay for electricity by billions of dollars
New research from the Edison Electric Institute by Emma Nicholson and Michael Kagan of Concentric Energy Advisors shows that electricity consumers are getting overcharged by billions of dollars for...
View ArticleNPR: Wind energy’s waste problem
Much of the structure of a wind turbine can be reused, but not the massive blades. And figuring out what to do with those will be a huge problem, according to a recent National Public Radio article...
View ArticleBernie Sanders shows why you don’t shut down nuclear
Mike Shellenberger writes in Forbes about the results of one of Vermont Sen. and current Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ very bad ideas: successfully urging the closure of the Vermont...
View ArticleVirginia’s about to hammer its own people to pay $50 Billion more for...
The news from our neighbor to the north is … not good. Utility Dive reports: The Virginia Clean Economy Act, which enjoyed wide support from environmental and clean energy groups, cleared both...
View ArticleLegislators consider a bill to protect electricity consumers
A bill before the General Assembly would restore the state’s protection of North Carolina’s top stakeholders in electricity policy: the consumers. As argued at the end of this post, such protection is...
View ArticleIf Biden Can Support Keeping Nuclear Power Operating, Can Cooper?
Gov. Roy Cooper’s “Clean Energy Plan” includes what Donald van der Vaart called “a straightforward, categorical rejection of nuclear power.” It reads: Going forward, new generating resources should be...
View Article“What was the issue with the wind?”“It didn’t blow.”
“Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?” “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” “The dog did nothing in the night-time.” “That was the curious incident,”...
View ArticleCalifornia begs feds to pollute more in electricity provision. Wonder why?
ZeroHedge noticed something: A stunning new revelation in the state’s top grid operator, California Independent System Operator, filing to US Department of Energy (DoE), titled “Request for Emergency...
View ArticleWait, who agrees electricity costs must keep going up? Not consumers
Speaking normally, the phrase cost of electricity refers to the cost of electricity. To our media, it seems, the phrase cost of electricity is a nonsense phrase, a bit of gibberish that seems to help...
View ArticleIndependent energy management firm warns clients about NC’s new energy law
In a research brief last week, I warned that several elements of the new electricity law signed by Gov. Roy Cooper “portend large increases in electricity costs for consumers in North Carolina” despite...
View ArticleCooper is Steering North Carolina Towards Electricity Blackouts
Last summer California suffered two days of rolling blackouts California’s Utility Commission recently published their findings of what happened to cause the massive loss in power Years of misguided...
View ArticleLegislators consider a bill to protect electricity consumers
A bill before the General Assembly would restore the state’s protection of North Carolina’s top stakeholders in electricity policy: the consumers. As argued at the end of this post, such protection is...
View ArticleIf Biden Can Support Keeping Nuclear Power Operating, Can Cooper?
With zero emissions, unrivaled reliability, and lowest costs, existing nuclear power checks all the boxes for what different people want from electricity Losing nuclear power has been shown to...
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